World of Children & CommonTerra

The 25-year tradition of World of Children
is now powered by the innovation
and strength of CommonTerra!

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$15 million has been awarded to 130 organizations working in 70 countries impacting the lives of millions of children.

100% of donor contributions have been used directly to support vulnerable children in need – all administrative expenses are underwritten by the generous Board Members.

We maintain a child’s sense of wonder! World of Children is about  DISCOVERY –  our system to identify, verify, fund, and uplift the highest quality organizations dedicated to serving vulnerable children has been recognized as the “gold standard” by entities such as UNICEF- USA, Wall Street Journal, USA Today and CNN.

In 25 years, no one does what we do better. The New York Times referred to World of Children’s Awards as the “Nobel Prize for Child Advocates.” 

Our Mission

World of Children unlocks the future for vulnerable children by funding, elevating, and creating a community for the most effective changemakers worldwide.

The foundation has become the foremost recognized program for organizations who are dedicated to changing the future for vulnerable children. Since it was founded, World of Children has made its mark in the global nonprofit sector by identifying, verifying, and investing in high impact programs that are answering the world’s most pressing problems facing children today.

world of children, children's issues, poverty, disabilities, disabled, down syndrome, the sparkle effect

Our Founders

The story of World of Children began in 1996 when Co-Founder Harry Leibowitz had an epiphany while he was recovering from cancer surgery at age 55. He was watching the Pulitzer Prize announcements when he realized that while there was a Pulitzer Prize for art and literature, a Nobel Prize for sciences and peace, and an Oscar for film, but there were no awards for those who were tirelessly and selflessly serving children in need around the world.

That realization was a catalyst for Harry who met his wife Kay-Isaacson-Leibowitz just before the second annual Awards Ceremony. Kay attended the event as a guest and quickly fell in love with both Harry and World of Children. Together, they led the World of Children through its first 25 years of heartfelt success, serving millions of children in need all around the globe.

Harry and Kay

Our Work

World of Children focuses on a broad range of children’s issues and awards funding in areas including health, education, safety, and human rights, providing grants through five award pillars: Crisis, Humanitarian, Protection, Health, Education. Millions of children have been impacted through grant funding and support provided by World of Children, giving them the opportunity to experience what’s most important: their childhood.

Since 1998, World of Children has dedicated more than $15 million to help fund high-impact programs serving the world’s most vulnerable children. The organization has awarded nearly 130 organizations working in the United States and 70 other countries, each of them focused on addressing the world’s most pressing issues affecting children such as poverty, hunger, health, human rights, safety, and education.

disabilities, nepal, children, club foot
Nelson Mandela once said:

“History will judge us by the difference we make in the everyday lives of children.”

Donate Now

If you want to help children suffering from the crisis in Ukraine, please support these beloved World of Children organizations:

Your support with help Chernobyl Children International as they pivot from providing lifesaving heart surgery for children to providing essentials such as food, medical supplies, and shelter on the ground for the children in Ukraine.


INARA which works with children from conflict areas who have suffered physical and mental harm. INARA has a wealth of experience dealing with conflict related pediatric mental trauma. While there has been an extraordinary effort to provide emergency supplies, what is needed is mental health support. As an initial response they are building a program to provide consultations and training specific to mental health professionals, social workers, and others who are directly working with children on the ground.

The situation is extremely fluid.  Both organizations will be adapting their work to the situation they are confronted with and the gaps that emerge in access to medical and mental health, while looking for other opportunities to help, even if they are outside of their usual scope of operations.

“World of Children is one of the most effective and efficient mid-sized nonprofit organizations in the world.”

– Caryl M. Stern, Former President and CEO of UNICEF USA

Running Smiling Boy

Thanks to the generous commitment of our Board of Governors to underwrite all administrative expenses,  100% of your donation will go directly to children in need.   

100% Guaranteed. We employ a rigorous initial and follow-up vetting process.  Every partner organization has been verified and passed a forensic audit by one of the world’s leading security firms to ensure that they meet World of Children standards guaranteeing impact.



We believe many donors would like to invest some of their philanthropic funds to help vulnerable children, but don’t know where to start – WE PROMISE TO HELP


We believe many donors would like to invest some of their philanthropic funds to help vulnerable children, but don’t know where to start – WE PROMISE TO WORK


Investments in World of Children will reach the children that donors wish to impact so positive outcomes are achieved – WE PROMISE TO DELIVER

We are a trusted global resource for people who wish to support organizations serving the world’s most vulnerable children, but don’t know how to find them. World of Children will continue maximizing what we have learned in our 25 years of work to discover Changemakers, match them with donor interests, and deliver impact.

Leave a legacy for vulnerable children. Establish a planned gift to ensure your support for World of Children continues as a lasting legacy. Requests can be made in many forms to impact children for years to come. Contact us to learn more.

Want to leave a legacy?

Click here to see the organizations we currently support.

Meet the Changemakers!
columbia, children, juanfe, teen moms

Help give a vulnerable child the opportunity to experience what’s most important: their childhood.

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